UTM Teaching Champion Program

 UTM Teaching champion program (UTM TorCh) is a training program to develop teaching and learning champion. It covers 4 modules which have been developed to build inspiring educators at UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA.

MODULE 3 ( Digital Proficiency )





  • .Information and Data Literacy: Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content, evaluating data, information and digital content, Managing data, information and digital content.

  • Communication and Collaboration:Interacting through digital technologies, sharing through digital technologies, engaging in citizenship through digital technologies, collaborating through digital technologies, netiquette, managing digital identity.

  • Safety: Protecting devices, protecting personal data and privacy, protecting health and well-being, protecting the environment.

  • Problem solving: Solving technical problems, identifying needs and technological responses, creatively using digital technologies, identifying digital competence gaps

5 hours




  • Participants have to go through 5online sub-modules (16 hours) independently on:

  • Designing Instruction, Information and Interaction for Learning
  • Development of Engaging Self-Instructional Materials (SIM)
  • Implementation of SIM in a learning environment
  • Participants will be given 1 week to develop own SIM.

16 hours
7 Days